

展區:藝術特展區 檢視所有作品


1.這一系列的作品是王筱璦在從美國回台,遷居到埔里山上後,每天給自己的一個功課。在傍晚的時候,畫上一幅畫作。配合山上採的花, 種植的盆栽,或是正在聽的音樂都融合在每一幅畫作裡。有時開心,有時沮喪的小魚,也是藝術家本人的心情寫照。



1.This series of work started when Hsiao Ai Wang mover to countryside of Taiwan to start her own stu-dio. She gave herself this “homework” to paint fish painting every night after dinner. Those works are inspired from her daily mood and objects around here: flowers, plants, cup she’s drinking, and even music she’s listening. The work not only reflects her imagination but also her mood. She sees this se-ries of work as part of the meditative process to clear her mind while she is creating big sculpture works.

2.The mountains, clouds, and mist inspire these series of works, and it is a typical scene that appears in the morning or after the rain in Puli.
The cloud and mist always surround the mountain, and that looks like the mountain’s baby, so I named them Baby Mist.
Baby Mist loves to play around the mountain.
She will water the mountains or take a bubble cloud bath in between the mountains or hills.
Most of the time, she will just lay on the mountain and doing nothing.



California College of the Arts 加州藝術學院


個展: 2018 山裏的魚,冶花,台北,台灣
            2018 朤,太谷精舍,矽谷,美國
            2014 眼淚形成式TEAR FORMATION ,大學路畫廊,奧克蘭,美國
聯展: 2020  轉身之藝,南投工藝所,草屯,台灣
            2018 盤子與玻璃, Fancy畫廊, 西雅圖,美國
            2016 白鬼工作室 2016,日本群馬縣藤岡市鬼石
